BSoc Sci. (Psychology)
How are you feeling?
Hello, I'm Neil, and at the risk of stating the obvious, I am a hypnotherapist.
You are likely reading this because there is an issue or behaviour that is affecting your experience of life and you would like some assistance. Maybe you are just struggling to cope with the demands placed upon you and you want to deal with it better. Maybe there is something you wish to achieve and you would like an extra edge. I would like to help.
I believe in solutions, and I believe that hypnotherapy is effective in helping you overcome the hidden obstacles within yourself that can affect your day to day experience. It can also be an excellent means of consolidating and building on your mental and emotional resources and resilience to cope better when you need them most. It also is a wonderful, relaxing experience and benefits can be felt rapidly.
So much of our behaviour is based on learned patterns, sometimes useful and sometimes not. Sometimes these echoes of the past do not with fit who we are now or how we wish to experience life. Anxiety, Phobias, reactions to Stress and poor Self Esteem are all deeply learned and you can feel their effects in your body when their responses are triggered. Sometimes these issues get in the way of you doing what you need or want to do, making you avoid things, procrastinate or sometimes even give up. The good news is together, we can help you create new patterns to make you feel better in the moment, or, more positively, help you become more effective reaching your goals and meeting your emotional needs.
This can happen in just a few sessions, changing your mindset and, therefore, how you experience your life. It can be subtle, it will not make external problems go away and it will not miraculously 'cure' anything, but it can leave you better placed to deal with life's many challenges.
The sessions themselves are a pleasant, relaxing experience and we will work together towards an agreed goal in a therapeutic alliance based on clear communication and respect. I am flexible on how you wish to proceed, whether it be in person at an agreed venue or virtually. I have been able to apply my skills on line very effectively, but there are benefits to meeting face to face. We can discuss all this, but ultimately, I will be led by what you are most comfortable is all up to you.
In terms of meeting in person I have access to venues through Brighton and Hove all the way through to Worthing but we can work together from anywhere if you are happy to do it online. Please see my About Me And My Approach page on this website for my background and qualifications.

Areas of Treatment
I focus on making you feel better doing what you have to do in your life. We all, through various circumstances, find ourselves having to struggle just to get by and need some help. Sometimes it involves processing the past, sometimes seeing the present from a different perspective. Here are some areas where I feel I can help.
Anxiety is your body's natural reaction to stress and manifests in uneasiness and/or fearfulness. I would seek to discover the root of the issue and recalibrate this relationship with what causes you stress. This can include health anxiety and social anxiety and any unwanted anxiety reactions to a wide range of situations.
Stress Control and Relaxation
Stress is the feeling when you feel overwhelmed by emotional pressure. You may even feel like you are losing control of a situation. Stress affects the body in many ways including poor sleep, racing heart and muscle tension to name a few. I would reintroduce you to total relaxation, empower you to reclaim your body's reactions and address any underlying patterns that may be making the problem worse.
How we value and perceive ourselves can have a massive impact on how we interact with others and it can affect all areas of life. Past difficulties often inform poor self esteem. Together we can challenge any negative beliefs about yourself you may hold, replacing them with useful and more realistic belief patterns. This can improve your work, relationships and general wellbeing.
Work, Productivity and Motivation
Bad habits, stress, motivation, focus, discipline, confidence - these are are areas we can work on together with the aim of improving how you experience and perform in your work. We all know the impact that work can have on us when we feel it isn't going well, find out how it feels when you think it is.
If you experience debilitating fear of an object, animal or particular situation it can interfere with your ability to do everything you want or need to. Together we can examine the cause and circumstances that have led to these reactions and work on creating new patterns of behaviour without fear or worry.
....And More
These general headings are not exhaustive and I can adapt to what changes you need to make within my skill set, so let's talk and see what we can do. This can include assisting you to maintain a weight loss programme, stopping smoking, overcome a fear of public speaking or to focus on sports performance. Ultimately, I will be led by the change you wish to make should we agree to work together.
Hypnotherapy for Young People and Children
Hypnotherapy can be a very effective way of helping children deal with their lives more comfortably. Exam nerves, phobias, fear of public speaking, social anxiety and aiding goal attainment are all areas that lend themselves to this type of treatment. The process really needs to be child led, from the length and frequency of sessions to the agreed goals. Every child is different, so I advocate speaking with the child's guardian and developing an individual treatment plan for every child. Due to my Professional Body's standards, children under 16 can only be treated with a guardian in the room. It may be that you choose to wear headphones, but someone needs to be there. Please contact me to discuss what can be done with your child and I will supply a quote for the whole treatment based on our conversation.